Cathy Wagner - Sales Copy Writer - Chico, CA
Increase Traffic - Get More Leads - Close More Sales

Professional Sales Copy Pays for Itself

If you're ready to grow your business with more persuasive copywriting, let's talk.

Frequently Asked Questions

- What kind of experience and education do you have?

- Why do you offer Free Copy Audits?

- How does professional copy pay for itself?

- What do you mean by "copy"?

- How do you know what copy needs to be improved to increase sales?

- What does it look like to work with a copy writer?

- What do copy writing services cost?

- I don't want to use loud or pushy sales tactics. What style do you use?

- How do you measure the results of the copy you write?

What are your experience and education?

I started doing business online in 2000. I didn't know much at the time, but I was determined. I researched copy styles, followed gurus, studied with coaches, and bowed to the greatest teacher of all, trial and error. In the end, the only measure that really counts is results.

By 2005, I had built two profitable online businesses. I also developed a reputation as an online business expert through a copious amount of writing including e-books, weekly newsletters with business tips, and business articles that were reprinted all over the Internet.

The mechanics of online business have always fascinated me. I stay current on all the latest tools and trends to ensure I'm providing the best advice and service to my clients. In 2019, I completed a refresher course to brush up on current best practices.

I've written copy for clients ranging from artists, photographers, writers, and inventors to real estate agents, spas, restaurants, and retail shops. While I'm familiar with all aspects of doing business online, I've chosen to focus on copy writing, mostly because it's really fun. I love partnering with high quality small businesses and helping them make their dreams come true.

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Why do you offer Copy Audits?

My Free Copy Audits give business owners a chance to see what it's like to work with me. If they're struggling, they benefit by getting something they can really use for free, with just a few minutes of my time. Once they see the value of my expertise, they realize that professional sales copy truly can pay for itself.

To arrange your Free Copy Audit, just send me an email with the ad copy or web site address you'd like me audit. I'll take a look and reply with my advice to make it better, usually within 24 hours.

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How does professional copy pay for itself?

Here is a good example. Many years ago, I worked with the owner a very successful business in Canada called Contact List Builder. She came to me one day because she was frustrated with the lack of response for a new information product she'd created. She asked me to a take a look to see if I could spot the problem.

The price was on the high side, but comparable to her other products, so that wasn't the issue. I looked at the copy on the landing page, and it was all wrong. She had started off with a story about how she had come to create it, the benefits weren't very clear, and it was missing a strong call to action.

I rewrote it using a lot of the same information, but I rearranged it, highlighted the benefits and added a CTA. After a week she told me she earned $750 on that one product with my copy. She was thrilled! She'd already made far more than the $100 I charged her, and she continued to earn that kind of revenue for months, maybe even years.

I edited a few more pieces for her until she got the hang of it and didn't even need me any more. CLB is still in business today and I continue to use her glowing testimonial on my web site.

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What do you mean by "copy"?

Copy, in the sense we're talking about, means every word that is used to describe, present and promote your business, products, and services. When I talk about copy, I mean all the words on your web site (including landing pages, About Us pages and order confirmation pages), product descriptions, emails (including ads, drip messages, and order confirmation messages), social media platforms, blog posts, tag lines, and printed materials.

From a professional stand point, each word in your copy should have a purpose and a reason for being there. Part of the sheer beauty of the English language is how precise we can be in what we say. And it's surprising how seemingly minor changes in wording can have a remarkable effect on sales. Professional copy writers study these nuances and even test them to learn what works best.

If your online business is not performing, I strongly recommend talking to a professional to turn it around. Let them help you identify the problem(s) and fix it quickly, so you can start earning more now.

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How do you know what copy needs to be improved to increase sales?

There are symptoms that indicate where one's sales process may be weak or ineffective. Here are some examples.

- A web site that gets no traffic needs to strengthen it's promotions to get people to visit.

- A site that gets traffic, but no sales, needs to look at the landing page for problems with the copy or order process.

- A product or service that's not really mainstream might need to create an information series to educate potential customers about the benefits they can provide.

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What does it look like to work with a copy writer?

In my experience, communication is key. In order to write the best, most compelling copy, a professional needs to know all about your business, products, customers and competition. So it starts with a meeting and research.

The first step is the initial contact. The business owner reaches out to set up an initial meeting. It's best to include your web address along with a little about what you're doing and what you'd like to gain by working with a copy writer in your initial communication. This gives the copy writer an opportunity to see what you're doing and get ideas for improvement before you speak.

This initial meeting is free and should last only about 15-20 minutes. It's purpose is to determine if the client and copy writer are a good fit. By the end of this call, both parties should be clear about what they will work on together and why. After this first meeting, the copywriter sends a quote for approval.

If the client approves the quote, the next step is to schedule a kick off call. This is a longer call during which the copy writer asks questions and gets as much information as they can about the business including their products or services, customers, competition, and overall business ethic. Most often the copy writer will do additional research, particularly in regard to the competition, before this call. This vital research phase is part of the copy writer's service and has been included in the quote.

The copy writer then writes the first draft of the piece(s) that was agreed upon and delivers it on time, if a deadline was specified, or as soon as possible if there is no deadline. The client then reviews the draft and gives any feedback they may have before the copy writer finishes the piece and delivers it as a final draft. If the client is happy with it and accepts it as complete, they will then receive an invoice for the quoted amount. Most copy writers, like me, allow for 2 rounds of edits.

Working with a copy writer on multiple projects allows the client to save on research costs. The more familiar your copy writer is with your business, the easier it is for them write compelling copy for you quickly and without a lot of edits. This strategy actually reduces your costs while making money for you!

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What do copy writing services cost?

This is a hard question to answer because every project is different. Most people expect it will be expensive, but remember, one must weigh the cost against the reward.

My standard rate is $60 per hour. Competitors with similar experience charge $75 to $90. I keep my rates low because I want to be accessible to small businesses who are struggling. My hope is to work with clients long term, which also saves them money because I can re-use the research and data I compiled for the first job.

"So, what can I get for $60?"

Well, I can write a social media post to use on Facebook and Instagram for $30. I can generally re-write a full page of copy for $60. Or, write a full page of copy from scratch for $120. Email messages generally take 30 minutes to write and another 30 minutes to format. After formatting one message, I can re-use it for subsequent messages.

All of these examples can require different amounts of research time. If you're running a very specific promotion and can supply photos with details, I don't necessarily need to spend an hour researching how you got started, or how your competition is selling something similar, to write a killer social media ad. If I have experience with your product or service, I don't have to research it as much as I would with a product I know nothing about. Or, if the sales copy you wrote really includes all the pertinent information, I can simply focus on re-organizing it and presenting it in the most effective way.

"What about bigger jobs?"

The same ethic and reasoning applies to bigger jobs. To price them, I break them down to the specific copy pieces needed and price them accordingly. For example, if you need a whole web site, it might cost $200 for the main sales page, $100 for the About Us page and $30 for the contact page.

I want to partner with local, small business owners in an effort to help rebuild our local economy, and I can provide as much or as little help as you need.

I've worked with businesses who needed much more than they could afford initially. We started with social media ads to highlight and sell particular products or services. Once they made a few sales, they decided to address the copy on the sales page. Then, again with increased earnings, we were able to address copy for other products or pages. When they felt confident in their web site presentation, they were then able to discuss and implement new marketing methods to further increase their income.

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I don't want to use loud or pushy sales tactics. What style do you use?

There are small business owners who resist the idea of professional copy because they want their business to be different. They don't want to use a high-pressure marketing style that sounds like a TV commercial. They just want to display what they're offering and assume those who want it will find it and buy it.

While I can understand a desire to avoid a pushy selling style, this really isn't the best plan. Doing business online isn't the same as having a store. People don't pass your web site on the way to work or the grocery store. Online, no one even knows you're there, unless you tell them.

Personally, I don't like a pushy selling style, so I don't write that way. I like to be very clear and straight forward. I lead with the benefits or “what's in it for them” and persuade by including all the information they need to feel like they are making an informed choice and will get exactly what they want.

In order to do this effectively, I learn about your target market and pay attention to your own style of writing and talking. It's amazing how many business owners can tell you what makes their business great, but it's hard for them to convey it with the written word. As a professional copy writer, it's my job to convey what you're doing in your style to reach your customers. My goal is to reassure your online customers and give them a similar experience as they would receive in your store.

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How do you measure the results of the copy you write?

The best way to measure results is to view your web site statistics. Most any web professional should be able to access them through your web hosting control panel. If your web host doesn't provide these statistics, third party link trackers can be used.

Ads can be tested by using duplicate sales pages on your site. Sales pages can be tested by using the same ad to send people to pages with different copy for the same product. And, of course, social media ads provide their own statistics you can use to evaluate the performance of different ad strategies.

While all of this might seem confusing, a professional has done it many times before and can be instrumental in determining the best approach. If you've been frustrated or confused in the past with your marketing efforts, a professional can help you to understand what is going on and choose the best strategies for your business.

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